What is Medical Tourism?

Medical tourism can be defined as the process of traveling outside the country of residence for the purpose of receiving medical care. What really puts the word "tourism" in medical tourism concept is that people often stay in the foreign country after the medical procedure, so they can take advantage of their visit by sightseeing, taking day trips or participating in any other traditional tourism activities. The medical tourism industry has undergone a revolution as the demand for increased variety and improved quality of services. This has predominantly been driven by increased costs and wait times for services at home. The medical tourism industry has matured substantially and has met the challenge through cutting edge technology, globally trained specialists and affordable.

What is the Quality of Medical Tourism?

There are two major components of the quality in the medical tourism sector - technical and functional quality. Technical equipment is at the core of the patients' diagnostic algorithm, while the functional quality is measured by the service offered in the healthcare centers (such as the services of staffs, nurses and, most importantly, the doctors towards the patient and their assistants).

Technological advances in the medical industry and an ever increasing number of physicians and allied healthcare personnel are receiving training at internationally renowned universities and facilities through exchange programs and international university affiliations.

What if I need help?

While abroad, your first contact is your local service coordinator. They know the country and how the medical system works and there first priority is your comfort and safety. They will often provide you a local mobile phone to use as well. Your second contact will be Janani Medical Tourism, we are available 24/7 during an emergency or complication arises. We will work with you and your escort to make sure you and your travel companion are taken care of. We will also keep your family at home up to date and informed. Your third contact will be your travel/medical insurance agent.

What if there are complications after the intervention?

In case of complications RELATED to the intervention, you will be treated in the same facility which carried out the intervention, or in a facility that is more suitable to deal with the complications. Regarding any complications UNRELATED to the medical intervention (e.g. the patient suffers from a heart condition, but he came for a dental problem or to have an MRI examination), we recommend to all the patients to make some kind of a medical insurance prior to the journey, which would cover such unexpected events.

How does follow up work?

While in the country where you had your procedure or treatment you will be under the direct care of the physician involved and they will make sure you are followed closely until they feel you are set to go home. Once you are home, you will follow up with your local physician who will obtain reports and instructions from the physician abroad. Your physician can also contact the physician abroad at any time if there are concerns.

What shall I expect after the intervention?

Before you fly back home, you will receive the entire medical documentation, including the invoice for the payment. If the nature of the intervention requires any ambulatory check-ups, you will have those back home with your doctor.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

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