Know Us Better

India has well established and matured accreditation system, India has a good number of JCI (Joint Commission International) accredited hospitals. The hospitals in India are capable to provide quality healthcare on par with developed countries.

Cutting Edge Technology
India has cutting edge technology to support medical diagnostics and medical procedures. India imported billions of dollars worth of medical devises to meet its burgeoning corporate healthcare, to support technology and operative techniques.

Talented Healthcare Professionals
India has internationally renowned medical practitioners who are trained in premium institutions across the globe. With a large number of doctors, there is a high level of competency and capability in adoption of newer technologies and innovation and fresh treatment methods.

Affordable Cost
Quality service at affordable cost is what attracts patients across the globe. We provide the patients an opportunity to select appropriate healthcare provider by following competitive bidding process. Economical healthcare should not be consider as a compromise, when it comes to health nobody will take a chance, therefore the foreign patients who visit India are not attracted by low cost but rather high quality healthcare with a fraction of cost is what attracts them.

No Wait Time
It’s zero waiting time in India for any procedure, no matter how complicated the procedure is all it takes is time to arrive to the hospital.

The Warmth and Hospitality
Among the top medical destinations of the world, India has the highest percentage of English language speaking population. India’s rich and varied heritage with cultural diversity makes the people of India foreign friendly which is very important to understand patients. The warmth and hospitality of Indian hospitals is a big factor in choosing India as a healthcare destination.

From Research to Practice
The cases where newly found research procedure which was published in reputed medical journals but not implemented on a wide scale due to regulatory reasons, can be adopted in India by medical practitioners after obtaining necessary approvals from the authorities and taking prior consent from the patient.

Privacy of the patient is taken with utmost care, everyone else except for the individuals who are involved in medical practice interacting with the patient, you were on vacation.

Personal Care
As opposed to the situation in the developed countries such as in Canada and US where the patient will be discharged at the earliest possible and they are on their own. In India the health care facilities have more flexibility and prefer to keep the patient in the hospital until the supervising physician recommends. If required an extended recovery period will be planned and accommodation provided.

In compliance with Ontario Disability Act O. Reg. 165/16.(Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005).