Let's Know INDIA!

India is growing as a super power in both space exploration and in medical tourism. US spent $410 million compared to the $45 million spent by India in Mars Orbiter Mission, in the same way the knee replacement in the United States costs $40,000 where as in Canada it costs $14,000 with 206 days wait time, where as in India it costs mere $5000 with no wait time.

Over the years, India has grown to become a top-notch destination for medical value travel because it scores high over a range of factors that determines the overall quality of care. Imagine a complex surgical procedure being done in a world class global hospital by acclaimed medical specialists at a fifth to tenth of what it normally takes.

The Medical Tourism Market Report: 2015 found that India was "one of the lowest cost and highest quality of all medical tourism destinations, it offers wide variety of procedures at about one-tenth the cost of similar procedures in the United States.

Traveling to India can be an exhilarating experience for any tourist as the vast diversity of this intriguing enigma is unmatched. It runs hand in hand with spirituality in this country of colourful people, rich culture and abundant festivities.

India imported 6 billion USD worth of medical devices to meet its burgeoning healthcare sector.

Over 1 million foreigners visited India for healthcare since 2010.

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